

Robert Sieviec

Oni tehan, watohanl ošungye tehan. Life is a long time, sometimes too long. Robert Sieviec's poetry encompasses family dynamics; the past and present as it relates to ongoing experience; observations of seasonality and the saeculum (circle or turnings) of life. He is always looking for the insightful, saddening wonderment of life with hope and resignation running throughout. Life is a long time, sometimes too long.


Robert Sieviec

Oni tehan, watohanl ošungye tehan. Life is a long time, sometimes too long. Robert Sieviec's poetry encompasses family dynamics; the past and present as it relates to ongoing experience; observations of seasonality and the saeculum (circle or turnings) of life. He is always looking for the insightful, saddening wonderment of life with hope and resignation running throughout. Life is a long time, sometimes too long.

Robert Sieviec

Oni tehan, watohanl ošungye tehan. Life is a long time, sometimes too long. Robert Sieviec's poetry encompasses family dynamics; the past and present as it relates to ongoing experience; observations of seasonality and the saeculum (circle or turnings) of life. He is always looking for the insightful, saddening wonderment of life with hope and resignation running throughout. Life is a long time, sometimes too long.


Robert Sieviec was born in 1952 of Polish-American father and (Northern Ireland) Irish mother. He has a grown daughter and son, both living out West. Robert was homeless briefly, courtesy of the Great Recession, and he moved to Vermont fourteen years ago for employment. He would have moved to Mars for a job, but Vermont was closer and not as cold. Now retired and reading a great deal.

Also by Robert Sieviec:

  • Winooski Motel: Black Tiger and Other Poems