

Richard Miles

Poems/meditations on the conjunctions of space and time, the fluidity and unity of existence and the nature of innocence, death and salvation. Also perceptions on daily walks and views and perspectives from the top of his childhood maple tree that the author bore his entire life.


Richard Miles

Poems/meditations on the conjunctions of space and time, the fluidity and unity of existence and the nature of innocence, death and salvation. Also perceptions on daily walks and views and perspectives from the top of his childhood maple tree that the author bore his entire life.

Richard Miles

Poems/meditations on the conjunctions of space and time, the fluidity and unity of existence and the nature of innocence, death and salvation. Also perceptions on daily walks and views and perspectives from the top of his childhood maple tree that the author bore his entire life.


Richard Miles has published widely in magazines and journals; also a previous book of poems and a chapbook. He is a retired stone mason and lives in downeast Maine.