The Ride of Your Life
Cinse Bonino
How often does fear influence your choices? Everyone gets tempted to allow fear to take charge of their lives when they shouldn't. If you are ready to kick fear out of the driver's seat this book can help. Learn how your fear convinces you to put it in charge of making decisions for you. Learn which of fear's lies are easiest for you to believe. Become familiar with your own particular version of fear. Realize how dwelling on things that happened in the past and worrying about what will or will not happen in the future can convince you to overreact in the present. Discover when to listen to fear and when to realize it's being a drama queen spouting worst-case scenarios. Develop the courage to kick fear to the curb once you understand that the opposite of failure isn't success, it's learning. Be kind to yourself as you begin to choose intelligence, experiential knowledge, intuition, and instinct as your primary drivers. Transform your life by choosing to listen to fear only when it's doing its job appropriately. Learn to use your fear as the helpful tool it can be instead of allowing it to carjack your connection to reality.
Cinse Bonino
How often does fear influence your choices? Everyone gets tempted to allow fear to take charge of their lives when they shouldn't. If you are ready to kick fear out of the driver's seat this book can help. Learn how your fear convinces you to put it in charge of making decisions for you. Learn which of fear's lies are easiest for you to believe. Become familiar with your own particular version of fear. Realize how dwelling on things that happened in the past and worrying about what will or will not happen in the future can convince you to overreact in the present. Discover when to listen to fear and when to realize it's being a drama queen spouting worst-case scenarios. Develop the courage to kick fear to the curb once you understand that the opposite of failure isn't success, it's learning. Be kind to yourself as you begin to choose intelligence, experiential knowledge, intuition, and instinct as your primary drivers. Transform your life by choosing to listen to fear only when it's doing its job appropriately. Learn to use your fear as the helpful tool it can be instead of allowing it to carjack your connection to reality.
Cinse Bonino
How often does fear influence your choices? Everyone gets tempted to allow fear to take charge of their lives when they shouldn't. If you are ready to kick fear out of the driver's seat this book can help. Learn how your fear convinces you to put it in charge of making decisions for you. Learn which of fear's lies are easiest for you to believe. Become familiar with your own particular version of fear. Realize how dwelling on things that happened in the past and worrying about what will or will not happen in the future can convince you to overreact in the present. Discover when to listen to fear and when to realize it's being a drama queen spouting worst-case scenarios. Develop the courage to kick fear to the curb once you understand that the opposite of failure isn't success, it's learning. Be kind to yourself as you begin to choose intelligence, experiential knowledge, intuition, and instinct as your primary drivers. Transform your life by choosing to listen to fear only when it's doing its job appropriately. Learn to use your fear as the helpful tool it can be instead of allowing it to carjack your connection to reality.
About the Author:
Cinse Bonino is a former professor of Creativity & Conceptual Development with a background in Education and the Psychology of Human Learning. Cinse currently presents workshops and talks on: creativity, problem solving, communication, teaching and learning, and personal awareness. She also does one-on-one awareness sessions (in person and online) to help individuals better define and create the way they want to be in the world. Cinse lives in Burlington, Vermont, with her cats Jasper and Melina, and enjoys widely spaced but deeply appreciated visits from her son who currently serves in the U. S. Army. Check out Cinse's offerings at: